Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Seater Training - 25th, 26th & 27th Jan

Seater Training Day 1 (25th):
So today I finally was trained in the role that I actually be in for my program, Seating! Basically, there are 3 stages that is involved with seating the guests and therefore 3 roles that I need to train in. There is the greater, the seat assigner and then the actual seater of the guests. Today I was trained in the easiest of the 3, seating the guests. So, my trainer took a few of the guests and helped my learn what I am meant to say to the guests as we are walking to the seats and what I am meant to say when I seat them. It was a lot to remember but the actual process wasn't too hard. That hardest high that I have to learn and remember is the seating chart - which is the most difficult thing because there is no logic to it at all. My trainer was really great so I really comfortable and it made it easy to learn. I had a really great night because by the end of the night I was seating all the guests by myself! AND one of the first guests that I served saw my name badge and said "oh your from Brisbane? Do you know the University of Queensland? I did an exchange there many years ago!" This is obviously my university that I study at and I was so happy/surprised/shocked that she wen tot my uni out of all the universities - small world, huh? So anyways, we chatted about UQ and the beautiful sandstone the entire time until her server arrived and then we were still talking! Hahaha. I love my job! I basically get paid to chat to the guests! Obviously some people are harder to talk to in which case I just walk them to their seats say my spiel and then leave them. But overall it was a great night!

Seater Training Day 2 (26th)
So tonight I did much of the same things as the night before, I learnt things in more detail and got to seat more guests by myself. AND THE GREATEST THING HAPPENED!!! I got to make a magical moment!! (In my line of work it is rather difficult to create a magical moment - for example a character/character attendant is always making magic with the guests) So basically what happened was there was a little girl and her parents and they were waiting until they could check in at 8:30pm but it was about 8pm and the little girl was really hungry. So her mum asked me if it was at all possible to get her some soup to eat in the lobby of the restaurant. I wasn't sure if you were allowed to eat there or not so i asked someone and they said not without managers approval - so I ran around to try and find the manager and asked if it was okay and she said it was so I went and got the sound and brought it out to her. The mother was so so so happy and appreciative. And so was the girl but she couldn't speak english. Then one of my cast members gave me some Mickey stickers to give to the girl - and she absolutely loved it! So hugged it like it was a toy and kept saying "Mickey Mouse, Mickey Mouse" it was so cute! And then about 10 minutes later I noticed that the fireworks had started so I found the lady and her daughter and brought them into the restaurant a little bit so they could see the fireworks! She little girl was so adorable watching the fireworks and the mother again was so appreciative! It was great! But yeah the then that it was a fairly uneventful evening.

Seater Training Day 3 (27th)
For my 3rd and last day before my exam (which is on Thursday) I did Greater training! So basically that is like a Maitre' De. I check the guests in and organise if they have allergies or special requests and then send it to the assigner who assigns them a seat depending on their requests. Then they send the seat allocation back to the greater podium and then the seater takes the the guests to their seats. So basically I learnt a crap load more information about the seating system and the process that we go through with checking the guests into the restaurant etc. Tonight, was a little bit more overwhelming with the amount of information  that I need to know and remember. But I was picking it up okay it's just remembering it all and trying to pass my assessment is my biggest worries at the moment. But I came home and i was wide awake so I called some family back at home and it was great to talk to them cause it's really hard with the time difference and what not. But it's good when I get home from work late (which will be every night as my restaurant is only open for dinner - so my shifts will always be 4-11pm every night) I am able to call family, friends (and puppies - see below) in Australia!

So overall my training went for my actual role went really well I think but I will definitely be put to the test when I have my assessment tomorrow - Wish me luck!

I hope everyone is doing okay at home and enjoyed their long weekend! xx

P.s now that I am starting proper working hours and will be working 5 days a week I won't be blogging everyday because it is obviously pointless. HOWEVER, please do stay tuned because I will always be doing something Blog worthy on my days off! And also I'm going to try (when I get some more stability with my rostering/paychecks and what not, to do some stuff in the mornings before work e.g go to Magic Kingdom as I can just catch the Monorail to work which is very convenient, haha!) 

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